
Analyzing the Social Media Campaign Against the iPhone 16: Impact on the DRC, Rwanda, and Apple

Analyzing the Social Media Campaign Against the iPhone 16: Impact on the DRC, Rwanda, and AppleA growing movement on social…

Dungu-Doruma Diocese Honors Over 6,000 Victims of LRA Atrocities in DRC

Haut-Uele, DRC – August 24, 2024The Dungu-Doruma Diocese, in the Haut-Uele province of northeastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), solemnly…

DRC Government Adopts 2023 Financial Accountability Bill

DRC Government Adopts 2023 Financial Accountability BillKinshasa, August 26, 2024 – 07:01 AMThe government of the Democratic Republic of Congo…

The Impact of Kenyan Bank Acquisitions on the DRC Banking Sector

OverviewThe Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is witnessing major shifts in its banking sector due to recent acquisitions by Kenyan…

RDC : La Colère des Transporteurs à la Frontière Zambienne Suite à l’Embargo sur les Boissons Sucrées et Gazeuses

En République Démocratique du Congo (RDC), la récente interdiction d’importer des boissons sucrées et gazeuses suscite une vive colère à…